fossiles  , 2025 hand-beaded and braided rope with glass beads, vintage a.b. chandelier crystals, and found marine fossils coated in glass road beads 25 × 19 in.   currently on view as part of solo exhibition  mirages  at    Galerie Octave Cowbell

fossiles, 2025
hand-beaded and braided rope with glass beads, vintage a.b. chandelier crystals, and found marine fossils coated in glass road beads
25 × 19 in.

currently on view as part of solo exhibition mirages at Galerie Octave Cowbell, Metz, France

   beartooth star ii  , 2021 quilted mylar 85 x 85 in.   currently on view as part of solo exhibition  mirages  at    Galerie Octave Cowbell   , Metz, France

beartooth star ii, 2021
quilted mylar
85 x 85 in.

currently on view as part of solo exhibition mirages at Galerie Octave Cowbell, Metz, France

   cloud shatter ii  , 2025 cut and stitched mylar space blankets 138 × 88 × 10 in.   currently on view as part of solo exhibition  mirages  at    Galerie Octave Cowbell   , Metz, France

cloud shatter ii, 2025
cut and stitched mylar space blankets
138 × 88 × 10 in.

currently on view as part of solo exhibition mirages at Galerie Octave Cowbell, Metz, France

   and when you change the landscape, is it with bare hands or with gloves? (lichen, woodwork, grate)  , 2023 graphite drawing of selbu mitten knitting chart 99 x 67 linear in.   installed at Kristen Wigley-Fleming Gallery, Luther College, Decorah, I

and when you change the landscape, is it with bare hands or with gloves? (lichen, woodwork, grate), 2023
graphite drawing of selbu mitten knitting chart
99 x 67 linear in.

installed at Kristen Wigley-Fleming Gallery, Luther College, Decorah, IA

   tidal arias  , 2022 limited edition flexi disc with vocal performances   marseille tidal gauge aria   &   skagway tidal aria     included in recent publications from    T2051MCC    &    Galerie Octave Cowbell

tidal arias, 2022
limited edition flexi disc with vocal performances marseille tidal gauge aria & skagway tidal aria

included in recent publications from T2051MCC & Galerie Octave Cowbell

   beartooth star iv  , 2021 quilted mylar 17 x 38.5 x 24 in. image credit: Margaret Fox   exhibited in    Fiberart International 2022

beartooth star iv, 2021
quilted mylar
17 x 38.5 x 24 in.
image credit: Margaret Fox

exhibited in Fiberart International 2022

   beartooth star  , 2020 emergency space blanket quilt with found Beartooth Pass quartz 5 x 42 x 42 in. as installed   exhibited at    Houston Center for Contemporary Craft

beartooth star, 2020
emergency space blanket quilt with found Beartooth Pass quartz
5 x 42 x 42 in. as installed

exhibited at Houston Center for Contemporary Craft

   skagway tidal aria ,  2021 recorded & speculative tidal data from Skagway, AK (1945-2081), sonified as a vocal composition & performed by the artist; text from  Songs From the Black Moon  by Rasu-Yong Tugen  premiered 9/18/21 at    T2051MC

skagway tidal aria, 2021
recorded & speculative tidal data from Skagway, AK (1945-2081), sonified as a vocal composition & performed by the artist; text from Songs From the Black Moon by Rasu-Yong Tugen
premiered 9/18/21 at T2051MCC

   points of rupture (alaska glacial event 1999) ,  2020 letterpress print of knitting pattern coded using cryoseismic data edition of 15 18 x 18 in.    recently on view at Lebanon Valley College

points of rupture (alaska glacial event 1999), 2020
letterpress print of knitting pattern coded using cryoseismic data
edition of 15
18 x 18 in.

recently on view at Lebanon Valley College

   (emergency) (space) blanket for the moon,   2016-19 hand-woven bronze and silver mylar thread (satin weave), black limestone 32.5 x 21 x 60.5 in.   Galerie Octave Cowbell , Metz, France

(emergency) (space) blanket for the moon, 2016-19
hand-woven bronze and silver mylar thread (satin weave), black limestone
32.5 x 21 x 60.5 in.

Galerie Octave Cowbell, Metz, France

   fossiles  , 2025 hand-beaded and braided rope with glass beads, vintage a.b. chandelier crystals, and found marine fossils coated in glass road beads 25 × 19 in.   currently on view as part of solo exhibition  mirages  at    Galerie Octave Cowbell
   beartooth star ii  , 2021 quilted mylar 85 x 85 in.   currently on view as part of solo exhibition  mirages  at    Galerie Octave Cowbell   , Metz, France
   cloud shatter ii  , 2025 cut and stitched mylar space blankets 138 × 88 × 10 in.   currently on view as part of solo exhibition  mirages  at    Galerie Octave Cowbell   , Metz, France
   and when you change the landscape, is it with bare hands or with gloves? (lichen, woodwork, grate)  , 2023 graphite drawing of selbu mitten knitting chart 99 x 67 linear in.   installed at Kristen Wigley-Fleming Gallery, Luther College, Decorah, I
   tidal arias  , 2022 limited edition flexi disc with vocal performances   marseille tidal gauge aria   &   skagway tidal aria     included in recent publications from    T2051MCC    &    Galerie Octave Cowbell
   beartooth star iv  , 2021 quilted mylar 17 x 38.5 x 24 in. image credit: Margaret Fox   exhibited in    Fiberart International 2022
   beartooth star  , 2020 emergency space blanket quilt with found Beartooth Pass quartz 5 x 42 x 42 in. as installed   exhibited at    Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
   skagway tidal aria ,  2021 recorded & speculative tidal data from Skagway, AK (1945-2081), sonified as a vocal composition & performed by the artist; text from  Songs From the Black Moon  by Rasu-Yong Tugen  premiered 9/18/21 at    T2051MC
   points of rupture (alaska glacial event 1999) ,  2020 letterpress print of knitting pattern coded using cryoseismic data edition of 15 18 x 18 in.    recently on view at Lebanon Valley College
   (emergency) (space) blanket for the moon,   2016-19 hand-woven bronze and silver mylar thread (satin weave), black limestone 32.5 x 21 x 60.5 in.   Galerie Octave Cowbell , Metz, France

fossiles, 2025
hand-beaded and braided rope with glass beads, vintage a.b. chandelier crystals, and found marine fossils coated in glass road beads
25 × 19 in.

currently on view as part of solo exhibition mirages at Galerie Octave Cowbell, Metz, France

beartooth star ii, 2021
quilted mylar
85 x 85 in.

currently on view as part of solo exhibition mirages at Galerie Octave Cowbell, Metz, France

cloud shatter ii, 2025
cut and stitched mylar space blankets
138 × 88 × 10 in.

currently on view as part of solo exhibition mirages at Galerie Octave Cowbell, Metz, France

and when you change the landscape, is it with bare hands or with gloves? (lichen, woodwork, grate), 2023
graphite drawing of selbu mitten knitting chart
99 x 67 linear in.

installed at Kristen Wigley-Fleming Gallery, Luther College, Decorah, IA

tidal arias, 2022
limited edition flexi disc with vocal performances marseille tidal gauge aria & skagway tidal aria

included in recent publications from T2051MCC & Galerie Octave Cowbell

beartooth star iv, 2021
quilted mylar
17 x 38.5 x 24 in.
image credit: Margaret Fox

exhibited in Fiberart International 2022

beartooth star, 2020
emergency space blanket quilt with found Beartooth Pass quartz
5 x 42 x 42 in. as installed

exhibited at Houston Center for Contemporary Craft

skagway tidal aria, 2021
recorded & speculative tidal data from Skagway, AK (1945-2081), sonified as a vocal composition & performed by the artist; text from Songs From the Black Moon by Rasu-Yong Tugen
premiered 9/18/21 at T2051MCC

points of rupture (alaska glacial event 1999), 2020
letterpress print of knitting pattern coded using cryoseismic data
edition of 15
18 x 18 in.

recently on view at Lebanon Valley College

(emergency) (space) blanket for the moon, 2016-19
hand-woven bronze and silver mylar thread (satin weave), black limestone
32.5 x 21 x 60.5 in.

Galerie Octave Cowbell, Metz, France

show thumbnails